Which industry trends are the ones to watch in 2003? In the area of interaction design there is a greater appreciation of the value of network-enabled and -connected products, in contrast to the past obsession with the PC-based Web browser. London Transports forthcoming 3D swipe cards could be the basis for some interesting services. Such RFID tagged-enabled devices present wonderful possibilities in retail, particularly combined with PDAs, which IDEOs New York Prada store project interestingly exploit, and Sainsburys has also experimented with. If the locational tools and other enhancements in new mobile phones can be unlocked for more than just prosecuting criminals we could see a Web-like rush of creativity around mobility- and place-driven services.
Commentary commissioned by Design Week, see 'Bullish or bleak for the year ahead?' and 'Creative calls to avert a total network meltdown' 9 January 2003 [subscription required for both]
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